Thursday, February 4, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Lillie!

I'm One!

Isabel and Jack

Trying to resist the temptation of ice cream and cupcakes

Strawberry Cupcakes made by Daddy

Bring on the Cake!

Mmmmm! Lillie's Cake


I love my Cake!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Lillie is Turning ONE!!! (February 4th)

Baby Talk: Mama, Dada, Nana, Hello, Bye, JJ (for Jaxon the Dog), Hey!!

Favorite Things to Do:
         1. Of course, suck her thumb and hold her blanket
         2. Watch Toddler Tunes Video and Elmo-cize
         3. Loves to stare out the window at Jaxon and yell
         4. Likes to dig in flower pots and throw the dirt
         5. Likes to find things she is not suppose to have and hide it/put in her mouth-Sneaky
         6. Bath time!

Favorite Foods:
She loves to feed herself! She likes: chicken, peaches, rice, fruit snacks, toast w/ jelly

Baby Facts/Milestones:
 1. She wts. 20 lbs. and has grown to 29 in. in length
 2. 6 teeth ( 4 top and 2 bottom)
 3. Loves to crawl and stand up - not quiet interested in walking yet!
 4. Claps and waves goodbye/hi
 5. Has learned to mimic people -laughing, coughing, shaking their head