Monday, January 3, 2011

Lillie's 1st Day of Preschool...THE BIG DAY!

For months now Lillie has thought that she has wanted to go to school.  "Bye-Bye" and "Shoes" is all we hear from Lillie in the morning as Isabel gets ready for school. So the BIG day finally came...

 Breakfast of Champions!
Everything she will ever need...
a backpack full of pamphers and her blanket.

 Lillie's new Olivia backpack ....she LOVES it!
 " I'm ready!"

Big Sister Isabel ready to help Lillie on her 1st day

Of course, she was ready to go to school this morning BUT when she realized that daddy was leaving her there...she cried.  Lillie's teacher reassured me that she only tried to escape once at playground time. She somehow tried to get one of the other kids in the class to open the gate, but they couldn't figure out how to open it! Lillie kept telling the little girl that it was "broken" (one of her favorite words).

Lillie cried off and on throughout the day usually when they transitioned to another activity, and at naptime (which is 3 hours long) she did not fall asleep once -she laid there the entire time just sucking her thumb and playing with her blanket. So hopefully tommorrow will be a better day!

1 comment:

  1. It will only get better!!! give it a few days and she will be telling you bye at the door!!! cant wait to see yall!
